Scalability through Dispatch Booking Management’s raft of features

Any courier delivery service depends on the capability to manage pickups and drop offs. That capability is dependent on the efficiency of administration, mapping and the company staff. The Dispatch booking software offers technical support for each these elements. It’s long list of features can make deliveries more efficient, while being able to scale with new business. 

Courier Booking System Features designed with the Courier Industry

The automated mapping feature can create multiple pickups and drop off routes for your drivers. This will give them the foresight to estimate the best route for their next job before they’ve finished their current one. With the built-in address finder feature, creating these routes is a quick process. Saving your drivers time will allow them to complete more deliveries in a day, giving you the capacity to take on more jobs.

As your courier business grows, Dispatch can help you support the workload

The Dispatch courier booking system scales with your number of client’s pickups. This gives you oversight on any new business that may get added to your job schedule. You can control the price allocation for any of the jobs you take on. All your business can be priced through the route taken, the transport vehicle used, mileage or hourly rates.

Administration is a time and economic resource drain for any business

We offer a method for reducing administrative outgoings for courier delivery services, through automating some of the common aspects of a courier job. Within Dispatch booking software you are able to generate delivery notes and record job details. This can save you time and reduce the chance for human error in these processes. Your drivers can then benefit from having the ability to access all the details needed for each pick up and drop off available to them in the software. Meanwhile, your workforce will then be able to focus on the elements of business that require a more human touch.

Dispatch’s feature rich software gives courier services the ability to make deliveries in a time effective manner. Other core features for courier businesses available in Dispatch allow the personal branding of communication to clients, simple invoicing management and more.

Talk to us about revolutionising your courier business and start your free trial of Dispatch Booking Software

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